Friday, August 14, 2009

Check-in Day...Are you ready?

Friday was a great day! The Blueboy football program welcomed over 115 players into camp today! It's a great feeling to know that this many young men are excited to attend IC and play for our coaching staff. We have players that came from California, New York, Kentucky, Wisconsin, Michigan, Indiana, Missouri and, of course, Illinois. We're a geographically diverse group...this will make for some fun! These guys will learn about the famous central Illinois "Horseshoe" and for the guys up north, they will learn that the winter is a lot better down here!

I was really impressed with the amount of parents that showed up for the parents meeting. I was really happy to see that only a select few moms were fighting back the tears. I believe that our parents understand the bigger picture of what we are all about. If we take care of the little things, and help these college-men become grown-men, then we will have succeeded. While they are experiencing that growth, however, we want to win a lot of football games! I got the feeling that the parents "ARE ON BOARD" with what we are doing!

We'll start practices tomorrow afternoon. The freshmen will be overwhelmed and confused, as freshmen always are. But I think we have great group of veterans who will show them how to do things the right way...on and off the field. I believe that is what separates us from other programs. We have the best group of young men you could ask for! I know they have done a great job in the off-season and tomorrow is the first day to show it!

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