Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Pro Football Hall of Fame and Beyond

We boarded the bus in the parking lot of the hotel in Mansfield, Ohio, and made the one hour trek to the Pro Football Hall of Fame in Canton. As we walked in the door, it was very clear that our guys would be in awe the entire time at the HOF. It was great to watch the kids learn the history of the game of football. They really took the time to read the plaques at each of the exhibits, and watch the videos at each disply.

The picture above is a quick glimpse into what we saw. The top left picture is myself with two of our QBs - Kendall & Keith. Bottom left was during an talk that this gentleman gave where he showed important pieces donated to the HOF. He said that only 5% of what they have is actually displayed and that there is so much more down below in the basement and in storage. Bottom right is an old Green Bay Packers helmet, I had to put this in there, afterall I married a Wisconsin girl from a Packer family! As for the picture on the top right, this is the first helmet/facemask that was worn. It did not look comfortable! But the quote of the day came from Larry who said, "Doesn't he know that he is wearing his cup wrong?" I'll let you as a reader figure that one out, but I just about died laughing!

After the HOF, we went to lunch at the Hometown Buffet, where we gorged once again! After a healthy drive we made it Wilkes-Barre, Pennsylvania. We stopped at the Wyoming Valley Mall for a little dinner and then headed back to the hotel. Right now most of our guys are either in the pool swimming, in the gym working out, or huddled around the television watching the Bulls/Heat game.

Tomorrow we'll depart about 8am (local time) and drive 3 hours to Yale University. After guessed it, another buffet! I learned a long time ago, the hard way, never let a football team go hungry! Buffet, buffet and buffet!

Movie Review for May 18th

Scale: 1 Star (Don't even rent it!) to 5 Stars (Classic)

The Hangover - A continuation from yesterday. Do I really need to even comment? It's simply one of the best movies of all time! I'll be one of the first in line to seen The Hang Over 2! 6 STARS

Casino - This is a great movie for anyone who loves Las Vegas (which I do), loves biopics (which I do) and mob movies (which I do)! Robert DeNiro, Joe Peschi and Sharon Stone...need I say more? I've seen it at least a dozen times, and I'm sure over time, I'll see it a dozen more! 4 STARS

Miracle - You know you are old and you watch a movie about an event that occured when the kids asked how old you were they played in the game against the Russians in 1980. For the record, I was 5, I'm not exactly Father Time, but with each new group of freshmen, I realize that I am getting a little older! But I digress, this really is a great movie! It shows the other side of a team coming together and why a coach might push his players more than they are comfortable with. But that's how you bring people together. Kurt Russell did a great job in this movie. I'm not a big hockey guy, but I understood everything that was going on. 4 STARS

Great day of movies! Yale University is on the agenda for tomorrow! Look for a new post tomorrow night!

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