Thursday, May 19, 2011

PA to CT to NH to MA, tomorrow to ME & NB

Woke-up in Pennsylvania, had lunch in Conneticut, dinner in New Hampshire and laying down to sleep in Massachusets. WOW! Four states in one day. A lot of riding a bus today. Our first, and only, stop was at Yale University, where we toured their athletic facilities. It was a great experience!

As we toured around I met a gentleman, and his wife, who was the captain of Yale soccer team in 1953. He went onto law school, served in President Kennedy's administration and then taught law for many years. Just to speak with him about his experiences was worth the trip.

The facilities at Yale were not overly impressive. However, their tennis stadium was beautiful and the Yale Bowl was incredible. I would say the Yale Bowl was like Wrigley Field, not the most impressive structure you have ever seen, but you could sense the history. To be a part of the rivalry between Harvard and Yale, must be incredible.

So tomorrow we head out to Canada. We are leaving the hotel at 7:15am - which the guys aren't too fired up about. But I don't know how long it will take to get through customs and I don't know how long the actual drive will take, so I'm not taking any chances. The best part is that all the guys need to have their passports on them. I'm guessing that we'll have 2 guys who leave their passports in their bags, which will be stowed away under the bus. I know that we actually have very responsible guys, but most of the them are either 18 or 19, and they do goofy stuff like this all the time!

However, when we get there, they are hosting a reception in our honor. I'm excited to meet the opposing coaches and the head referee. Afterall, I would like to get a few of the rules clarified so I know what to tell the coaches.

More to come tomorrow!

Movie Review

The Departed - Great movie! Matt Damon and Leo DiCaprio were great! Of course, Jack Nicholson was incredible, as usual! This movie had so many twist and turns! Not too mention the blood and guts you'd expect from a mob/gangster movie. There was some debate at lunch today that I would give this movie a higher rating than Casino. What can I say? It was a better movie! 4.5 STARS

The Blind Side - Another excellent movie. I find it a little funny that they would make the coach look like a bumbling moron and then he ends up with a coaching position at Ole Miss. I loved the story, it was heart warming and very up-lifting. I did love the cameos by the real life coaches. However, what I find funny is that when the movie came out Ed Orgeron was not the head coach at Ole Miss, Houston Nutt was not the head coach Arkansas, Lou Holtz was not the head coach at South Carolina and Phil Fulmer was not the head coach at Tennessee. Just goes to show how crazy being a D1 coach can be! But all in all, I can appreciate the story and really enjoyed the characters. I would recommend it. 3.5 STARS

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