Thursday, July 8, 2010

Recruiting went very well...Let's get started!

Our coaching staff did an excellent job of recruiting this past off-season. I have to say I am eager to watch this group of young guys come in and compete against the returners. Now you have to remember, eventhough we are heading into our third season, this is only our second recruiting class.

When we first got here in the summer of 2008, we had about 75 players suit up for the first game. I expect that we'll suit 125 players for our opening game this season. The key for us as a program has been our ability to develop our first recruiting class. Of the 125 on the roster, only about 45 are freshmen. This means that our returning players far outnumber the freshmen...this is how we have elected to build our program. We knew that it would take time and a whole lot of patience.

I have to admit, eventhough we have had patience, we have had some great leadership by some young men in this program. What's really been fun is to watch some of these great kids go onto their respective post-graduate studies or start their careers! Those guys, and they know who they are, will always have my utmost respect for the way they handled the change in coaching staffs. They were first-class all the way!

I do love the summer time, but I have to admit I am often bored in the office. Not that there isn't work to do, because as I learned very quickly, in running a football program, there is always something that needs to get done. I'm bored because I enjoy spending time with my players...they are great kids! Funny thing is, I know exactly how my youngest daughter feels when her big sister goes away to volleyball camp for the week. The younger one constantly talks about how she can't wait to see her so they can play! I can't wait for our guys to come back so we can run around and hit some people!

Good times are just around the corner!

1 comment:

  1. Hey Coach, looking forward to this season. Keep us posted on the progress of your team. We enjoy reading your comments. Go Blueboys!
